Dear neighbors,

In an unprecedented moment for our city, we have the opportunity this year to directly elect members to the Chicago Board of Education. Our students in Chicago Public Schools currently lack access to the high-quality public education they deserve. This newly-elected Board represents a pivotal moment to establish transparency and accountability in how we allocate our educational resources.

As a former middle school teacher, I understand firsthand the challenges that students and teachers face daily. Whether it's increasing classroom sizes, insufficient mental health services, or inadequate training for teachers, these issues hinder our students' ability to thrive.

I am running for the Board of Education because I believe in putting students first. My experience in the classroom and my extensive background in policy and advocacy equip me to champion the changes needed to ensure every student receives the education they deserve.

I’m looking forward to earning your trust and your vote as I run for this seat. Please reach out to me at to share what issues are most important to you.

Anusha’s Priorities

As a former middle school math teacher, Anusha knows firsthand the challenges facing our students and teachers. To increase academic outcomes for our students, Anusha will fight for the following:

🍎 Pre-K and Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education is a critical phase where foundational skills are developed, significantly influencing a child's long-term academic success and social-emotional growth. Research consistently shows that children who attend high-quality Pre-K programs are more likely to excel academically, graduate from high school, and achieve greater success in their careers and lives. By prioritizing and expanding access to quality Pre-K programs, we can address disparities early and set our students up for success through high school and beyond.

🍎 Mental Health and Wellness

Students may face various challenges that impact their performance and behavior in the classroom, whether related to issues at home or problems at school, such as bullying. To become thriving learners, they need robust mental health and wellness support. We need to invest in student mental health and make sure every school has a counselor and social worker so that we can improve academic performance, attendance, and graduation rates.

🍎 Career and Technical Education

Our students need more access to Career and Technical Education (CTE) to prepare them for the workforce by providing practical skills and industry-specific knowledge. Through hands-on learning, CTE equips students with the tools necessary to succeed in a variety of career pathways, preparing them for tomorrow’s job market. CTE promotes innovation, entrepreneurship, and postsecondary success while offering inclusive education opportunities for students with diverse interests and learning styles.

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District 6 Map